Fondazione ENDISU leads the ESC-tension 2 – Accelerating ESC Adoption in EEA project, which started in November 2023 and will end in April 2026, for an overall duration of 30 months.
The core partners are the following: ISIC – the International Student Identity Card Association (Denmark), Normandie Université (France), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), ECCA – the European Campus Card Association (Ireland) and ESN – the Erasmus Student Network (Belgium).
ESC-tension 2 represents the development of the previous ESC-tension project, coordinated by Fondazione ENDISU as well. Thanks to that, a multilingual platform has been set up to provide new operational tools for HEIs to facilitate the harmonisation of university cards with ESC standards, and for Student Service Providers to make student services ESC-friendly.
Therefore, while with the first project the challenge was directed towards the institutional and organisational aspects of universities and SSPs for the adoption of ESC, ESC-tension 2 project addresses operational challenges towards the awareness of the potential, benefits and functionality of ESC among students.
ESC-tension 2 will develop a series of materials that plan to raise students’ awareness of the potential of ESC, providing training packages and operational tools that guide and encourage students in their concrete use of ESC.