Fondazione ENDISU is a key player at Italian and European level in the domain of students’ welfare, promoting access, participation, and completion of Higher Education.

ENDISU has been a pioneer of the European Student Card Initiative and has been contributing to the development of the ESC and its implementation to achieve the ambition of the European Educational Area since 2015.

ENDISU represents the meeting point of the three core stakeholders playing in the European Educational Area: Students, Universities, and Student Service Providers.

Over the years ENDISU has developed initiatives and synergies bringing value to all actors, working directly with all these stakeholders. The work at the national level morphed also into relevant international collaborations and projects co-financed by the main bodies of the European Union operating in the field of the Higher Education and the Erasmus+ programme.

Our activities


How do the tools for physical and digital student identification develop? What are the upcoming opportunities?


How the mobility of students, researchers and teachers as well as administrative staff work? How to facilitate their national and international mobility?


What is the scenario of university housing policies? What are the main trends and dynamics of student accommodation, what are possible solutions and best practices?


How to move to a new welfare model, for all students on a European scale?


Not only students: how to support and enhance researchers in their activities, at a European level?


We collaborate with partners, also establishing networks at local level

News and events


ESC-tension 2, EDU-Home and SELF projects

The commitment of ENDISU to international projects continues actively in the projects in which it is involved either as a coordinator or as a partner.

The moment is crucial for the activities development, the main tools, and the planned outputs for each of the projects.

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