Fondazione ENDISU was a core partner of the MyAcademic ID project, which started in January 2019 and ended in June 2020, coordinated by EUF – European University Foundation-Campus (Belgium). Fondazione ENDISU and EDUCatt represented Italy in the partnership. The other core partners were: CNOUS and GIP RENATER, DINSIC – FranceConnect (France), GéAnt association (Netherlands), Vetenskapsrådet – Sunet Swedish Research Council (Sweden), Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, DSW – Deutsches Studentenwerk (Germany), Universidad de Malaga (Spain), ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS – AUTh (Greece).
MyAcademicID was funded by the CEF – Connecting Europe Facility programme in 2019-2020 in the context of the European Student Card initiative and delivered on the core promise to enable students to authenticate for their studies abroad using their home student account thanks to eduGAIN, connect their academic identities with their identities as natural persons thanks to the bridge with eIDAS national nodes and enable the once-only principle by introducing the European Student Identifier.
MyAcademicID developed an innovative solution for Higher Education students to authenticate their student status online in a safe and simple manner. By connecting the relevant European networks – such as eIDAS and eduGAIN– and implementing a unique European Student Identifier, the project enables students to use their home university account or their national citizen eID to access different student electronic services when going on mobility abroad. This is possible at the click of a button, without requiring students to create new accounts or share their information more than once. In practice, this translates into a truly European Student eID, valid across borders and e-services. In the future, students will also be able to register at higher education institutions using their national eID, linking their citizen and student identities.
Key services for international student mobility under the Erasmus programme are currently integrating MyAcademicID, including the Erasmus+ Mobile App, the Online Learning Agreement, the Erasmus Dashboard and the PhD Hub. With their current academic credentials, students are able to access them all.
By enhancing internationalisation, MyAcademicID has become a key policy component of the digitalisation roadmap set out in the European Student Card Initiative, bringing higher education closer to the vision of a European Education Area where there are no physical or virtual borders to studying abroad.